Pneumonia Symptoms, symptom checker, there are many people who do not know for a fact how does pneumonia affect them. Pneumonia is actually a bacteria that affects the tracheal region of a person, whenever they are under a severe attack of cold, and they do not have adequate protection.
Before a while, pneumonia would have been a very fatal disease, as they had no known cure against it. But there is a vaccination of pneumonia nowadays, and it can help cure a lot of diseases along with pneumonia. Basically the children are in the fatal region of pneumonia, as their military system is not at all stable enough to handle such a disease.
The basic symptom of pneumonia is to get a sore throat, that would always worsen day by day, making that person unable to speak after a few days. Running nose along with a splitting headache can also accompany pneumonia, and it would be a high time if you feel that you cannot do normal work properly, and you are mucus region in the nose is always being blocked. In such circumstances, mild fever along with pain in the chest may also occur, and you would have to consult a doctor for immediate medication.
More About Pneumonia Symptoms
The symptoms of pneumonia mainly include chills, fever, and shortness of breath, and also cough accompanied with yellowisly green phlegm or occasionally blood. Chest pain when breathing can also be a symptom of pneumonia, which is a result of inflammation of the membrane that lines the lungs and chest cavity.
The cough would be dry at the beginning of the illness, but later it is accompanied with phlegm that is often green/yellow or rust coloured and may be smelly. Pneumonia also is accompanied by flu-like symptoms such as fever, aches, and loss of appetite. The exact symptoms may vary depending on the type of micro-organism causing the infection and the extent of the infection.
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Monday, September 5, 2011
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Fitri Rianti
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